Springtime Yays & Nays

With the sun peeping out between the clouds, and with warmer months fast approaching, you may be wondering what you can and can’t do in your rented home and out in your garden (if you have one). Here we give you some tenancy tips for both indoors and outdoors, and what springtime ideas to steer clear of.



Spring cleaning

Tidy home = tidy mind. Spring is a popular time for sprucing up the home. Pull out furniture to give a thorough sweep and hoover, empty cupboards to clean right at the back, and even touch up any marks or dents that may have appeared on walls. This all helps keep your environment at its best, and may save you time and money at the end of a tenancy if you regularly deep clean and retouch as you go.



It's widely known that redecorating a rented property is either stipulated in your agreement, or on a ‘leave it as you found it’ basis. If you’re wanting to update your interiors, make sure you check your agreement and with your agent first.



The sun’s coming, and that means one vital thing for tenants… Drying clothes outside! Whenever possible, get your clothes on the line or airer in the garden. This will dry your laundry faster than doing so indoors, and it also minimises moisture in the home, therefore reducing the risk of damp and mould.

For those without a garden, open your windows to let the fresh air in, ventilating your home and channelling that damp air out.




No matter the size or scope of your garden, there’s lots you can do to personalise, without going against your tenancy agreement. It’s often the tenant’s responsibility to keep the garden shipshape, so we recommend keeping lawns trimmed, weeds weeded and hedges at bay.

Digging up the ground may be more than you’re granted permission to do, so we recommend freestanding pots and planters for adding blooms, colour and life to your outdoor space.

Window boxes are great for apartments, but please check things like insurance and agreements as these aren’t always allowed.



After a wintry period, it’s a good idea to clear gutters of any leaves and debris that may have built up.

If you’ve got garden furniture, give this a wash and clean up to keep it looking and feeling as comfortable as possible.

It’s the tenant’s responsibility to look after any structures that come with the home. If you accidentally find a football flying through the greenhouse for example, get in touch with your agent to sort out a plan of action.



Ensure you’re barbequing safely and sensibly. Don’t put a barbeque too close to the property, and check on it regularly when in use. If you’ve got guests coming, respect your neighbours.



It’s warm outside, which means it’s likely warm inside too. Your kitchen bin may well get a little stinky, and your dustbin probably will too. Make sure you have a note of your bin collection dates, so whatever’s in there is taken away as soon as possible and not left to fester.

If you have communal areas, keep hallways and bin stores clear of rubbish as a matter of health and safety, as well as courtesy to other residents.



If you’re going away on your holidays, a video doorbell may keep the home more secure and deter unwanted visitors.

Make sure to lock all doors and windows, sheds, etc. while you’re away, and test smoke alarms too.

You can turn off your boiler and shut off water safely when it’s that bit warmer, and this can save you a little on your energy bills – there’s no point heating water that won’t be used while you’re travelling.

Check your contents insurance. Some policies have a limit on how long you can be away from home, so if you’re planning an extended break, you’ll want to ensure you’re covered.

Lastly, update your agent with your holiday dates, so we know the score in the event of anything happening, such as a broken fence or a scheduled/required check.


If you’re looking for a new home, perhaps with a garden to make your own, or with easier or zero outdoor maintenance instead, contact us on 01525 40 22 66 or email ampthill@orchards.co.uk– we’ll find the right property for your requirements.