Covid 19 - Office Procedures

Since the announcement of the property market reopening Orchards have been working with suppliers, and our clients to ensure safe practices are in place for when we reopen on Monday 18th May.

Simple guidance outlined below has been provided to all of our staff to ensure the remain safe whilst working.

  • Wipe down all surfaces each morning and end of day

  • Taking and recording temperature each morning

  • Staggered Lunch times

  • Front Office staff to use the front door as entrance and exit

  • Middle office staff use middle door as entrance and exit

  • Client facing and Office based staff to be separated including in common areas.

  • Different Kitchen and Toilet facilities provided for the Front Office Staff and Middle Office Staff

  • Maintaining a minimum of 2 metre for anyone entering the office but minimise access by locking the front door.

  • Bringing in lunch from home which doesn’t require putting in the fridge or the microwave in order to cut down on surfaces touched.

  • Stay at your assigned workspace (NO HOT DESKING)

Anyone showing any symptoms no matter how minor must stay home.

Covid 19 Valuations

Since the announcement of the property market reopening Orchards have been working with suppliers and our clients to ensure safe practices are in place for when we reopen on Monday 18th May.

Simple guidance outlined below will enable us to ensure all parties remain safe, and valuations are able to recommence.

  • Vendors have the opportunity to choose between three styles of valuation - 1) Standard Visit to the property - 2) Video Call Valuation or 3) Desktop Valuation

  • Vendor and Agent to maintain a minimum of 2 metre distance from each other at all times.

  • All discussions surrounding the valuation etc. ideally to be carried out either in the garden or by phone/video call, otherwise at a minimum 2 metre distance.

  • Supporting documentation surrounding the valuation to be provided in digital copies rather than hard copy.

  • The vendors agree to wiping all surfaces down before and after

  • The vendors are to leave doors, windows open, and lights on

  • Agent to wear gloves throughout the visit and dispose of them properly, immediately afterwards

  • Agent to wear masks when indoors

  • Agent to wash your hands with soap and water (or hand sanitiser if not available) immediately after entering a property.

  • Vendor advised to wash hands immediately after the valuation has finished

As standard all new property instructions will now including a Virtual Tour / Video Tour

Covid 19 - Viewings

Since the announcement of the property market reopening Orchards have been working with suppliers, vendors and viewers to ensure safe practices are in place for when we reopen on Monday 18th May.

Simple guidance outlined below will enable us to ensure all parties remain safe, and viewings are able to recommence.

  • Maximum time limit of 15 minute for viewings

  • Maximum of 3 adults from same household allowed to view – No friends or relatives

  • No open houses will be held

  • Viewing of Virtual Tours and/or Video Tours prior to physical viewing

  • Viewing qualification form must be completed, ensuring the viewer and vendor are comfortable with the practices in place and have not recently, or currently ill.

  • Vendors to leave the property or at the very least if not possible to leave will be in the garden

  • The vendors agree to wiping all surfaces down before and after the viewing

  • Vendors to leave doors open, lights on and windows open.

  • Applicant agrees to not touch any surfaces

  • Agent to wear gloves and maintain 2m distancing

  • Agent to wear mask when indoors, viewers advised of the same.

  • Viewer and Agent to wash hands with soap and water (or hand sanitiser if not available) immediately after entering a property.

  • No Printed Brochures to be provided at this time.

    As standard all new properties will have a video tour / virtual tour. We are working with our vendors to retrospectively introduce these to our existing marketed properties.


Message to Our Vendors

Dear Our Vendors,

May we start by saying thank you. Thank you to all of the vendors who have taken the time to contact us and to discuss as best we can, the plans for the future.  

If your property has sold – We will be working with you and your buyer to ensure key communication is kept through this period. We are having briefings with all solicitors as to their official guidance on exchanges & completions and so far it seems to be that the advice is for simultaneous exchanges and completions. This does increase the risk, but the idea is that it doesn’t create a situation where someone effectively fails to complete on their sale or purchase when the situation is out of their control and become legally responsible for mounting costs.

For those of you who have exchanged – the main issue has been caused by some removal companies cancelling bookings. Please ensure you contact your removal company at the earliest point you can to confirm they are still going ahead as planned. Solicitors and Banks remain able to complete at this time.

If your property is for sale – Strangely enough, our research from speaking to applicants, and the number of enquiries and new registrations we are receiving are showing that the market doesn’t appear to be slowing, and if anything this time of isolation may increase the demand to move. Having spoken to a number of homeowners they begin to realise that they need to upsize since working from home with two kids all day means they are aware they need more space. Or downsizing because they realise they have worked too hard and for too long to worry about income anymore.

But even if your buyer doesn’t fall in to either category, most people are expecting to see their time spent on apps like Rightmove, Facebook Market Place and local business websites increase as they face this period of isolation.  

We continue to be available by phone and by email Monday to Saturday.

Our best advice during this period is that if your enquiry is urgent to please email to ensure an available member of the team receives it.

Please continue to call our normal landline number of 01525 40 22 66.

Kindest Regards

The Whole Team at Orchards


Message to our Tenants

Dear Tenants,

First of all I would like to say thank you for your continued dialogue with us. Communication is key and we ask all of you to contact us with any concerns you may have.

Everyone at Orchards fully appreciates the stress and strain you are all under during this time, don’t forget are team comprises of tenants too.

The team are working hard in the background to ensure you get the continued service you require and deserve, but understandably we are going to need you help during this time too.

As of this now;

  1. All property inspections are being postponed.

  2. To ensure the legal obligations of our landlords are fulfilled any Gas Certificate which are due to expire within in the next two months are being instructed for renewal now. This is essential maintenance, but should you have any concerns at all please let us know. They will only proceed with you permission. Please ensure you contact Gas-Elec if you have any concerns about having the inspection carried out on 01473 827277.

  3. For properties currently on the market, we will ask you to clarify your intentions, if you are still able to vacate at the date you had originally planned or do we need to make alternative arrangements with you.

  4. Essential maintenance will be the priority for all members of staff here, ensuring boilers, water supplies, electricity etc remain uninterrupted.

Perhaps most importantly for some is the financial struggles that may occur at this time.
We have been struggling to find the best possible way to word this, but the reality is, it’s really rather black and white. Your rent remains legally due, and the last thing we want to see is any tenant end up getting themselves in debt and we stress that you get the financial help required in order to continue to pay your rent. The government has increased the amount of financial support on offer for housing claims and universal credit claims.

Just because your landlord has the term “landlord” they are still the same as you and I, still have the same financial concerns, still trying to find the best way to work during this time in order to pay their bills, a large proportion of our landlords are retired and have put their money into property where pension funds were failing and there was virtually zero return in interest from the banks. These landlords rely heavily on the rent as the income they live off and they too are also very worried.
If you cannot pay the full rent, pay what you can when you can, to help stop the debt from escalating and any outstanding amounts will need to be settled by arrangement once we are through this period if the full rent does not come in.

It also poses a lot of other potential issues from a management point of view such as not having any funds to pay contractors for maintenance which comes out of the rent and of course our own wages, as individuals we are also in a position where we will lose our own income and not be able to pay our own rent. The knock on effect is quite far reaching so we all await for more specifics to be clarified and hope that it provides some reassurance for all of us because at present all parties are naturally left anxious and wondering where we all go from here!

We are hoping however that the government’s announcement on Friday to support employers by covering 80% of the wages of furloughed workers will prevent or limit the number of workers being unpaid at this time.

Further advice and information can be found below.

Government advice -
Housing Benefit -
Housing Benefit Central Beds -
Universal Credit -

We continue to be available by phone and by email Monday to Saturday.

Our best advice during this period is that if your enquiry is urgent to please email to ensure an available member of the team receives it.

Please continue to call our normal landline number of 01525 40 22 66.

Kindest Regards
The Whole Team at Orchards

Message to our Landlords

Dear Landlords,

May we start by saying thank you.

Thank you to all of the landlords who have taken the time to contact us and to discuss as best we can, the plans for the future.

We have all come to terms with the reality that in this uncertain time, rent arrears may be a possibility, but we want to reassure you that we are encouraging our tenants to work with us in order to minimise the risk of these happening. We are actively helping tenants get the help they need from the government and local councils to minimise arrears.

We will continue to be here for you and your tenant throughout the coming months, however we do all have a part to play in ridding ourselves of this dreadful virus, and it starts with us minimising physical contact.

All members of staff have been given the provisions to continue working securely from home. Our phone lines and emails will continue to operate as normal however we are taking precautions to protect you, your tenant and our staff.

As of this week;

1.       All property inspections are being postponed.

2.       We have contacted the Gas Safe register for information pertaining to the gas safety procedure, at this time they have advised to carry out “investigations” but have said they will respond separately in regards to “inspections”. As soon as we have an update for this we will let you know.

3.       For properties currently on the market, understandably viewings are now not possible. We are actively discussing properties with potential tenants still and providing them with video tours where possible.

4.       Essential maintenance will be the priority for all members of staff here, ensuring boilers, water supplies, electricity etc remain uninterrupted.

5.       Should rent arrears occur we will work with you in order to best resolve them with your tenant.

Our service to you will continue through this difficult period, and if you have any questions or concerns please do call or email us.

We continue to be available by phone and by email Monday to Saturday.

Our best advice during this period is that if your enquiry is urgent to please email to ensure an available member of the team receives it.

Please continue to call our normal landline number of 01525 40 22 66.

Kindest Regards

The Whole Team at Orchards

The Introduction of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) And What This Means to You & Your Property

The Introduction of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) And What This Means to You & Your Property

You may not be able to let your property after 1st April 2020.

Unless your EPC rating is an E or below. The MEES regulations set a minimum energy efficiency level for private rented properties. The regulations came into effect in April 2018, with a two year grace period for properties which tenancies had started before April 2018. That means by April the 1st all rental properties must meet current MEES standards. Failure to comply can result in fines of up to £5,000. For further information, Call Julian or Adam at Orchards 01525 402266.

The End of a Decade! A Year in Review and Looking Forward to 2020

Every year we like to take a look back over the past 12 months at our areas performance and try to forecast what we believe will happen in the coming year.

This year though is a little bit special for us. It may be the end of a decade, but it is the start of a new era for Orchards Estate Agents, I’ll come on to that more in just a few moments.

A Year in Numbers – Area Averages

Approximately 800 properties Sold STC in the last 12 months with an average asking price of £375,000 in MK45.

The Average days to secure a buyer for South East (Excluding London) is the second lowest it has been since 2012 – 51 Days

The Average days taken to reach completion after becoming Sold STC has increased from 95 days in 2011 to 115 days in 2019

Bedfordshire house prices have on average grown 35.55% in five years up to Q3 in 2019 however Bedfordshire has seen a decrease in values first three quarters of 2019 compared to 2018 with prices down between 1.4% and 2.4%

New Sales Listings for Bedfordshire are 1.4% down compared to the same period in 2018

New Rental prices for Bedfordshire are on average 1.8% higher for one or two bedroom properties then in 2018.

Our Year in Numbers

70% of all new listings sold in 2019

1208 Viewings carried out in 2019 (that’s an average of 11 per property)

An increase of 19% more instructions in 2019 than 2018 whilst the areas has a whole saw a decrease of 1.4%.

The average time taken from sale agreed to completion for a property sold by Orchards is 78 days a whole 37 days faster than the area average.

Managed letting stock increased by 14% when the area average for new instructions was 3.4%

We broke the 200 managed lets target and finished the year on 215!  

This year with the help of our local community we have managed to give back over £304,100 worth of prizes, donations, sponsorships and money off vouchers creating over 175 “winners”

So What Is Next? Onwards and Upwards That’s What We Say!

We want next year to be even bigger than this year, but we can only do that with the local community’s help.

Thinking of Selling or Letting? Call us for a free valuation. They are no obligations and completely free of charge. We will provide you with the best advice at all times, including any thing we believe may benefit you to consider before you put your property on the market, and when the best times are to sell!

Already on the market? Register with us to help you find the house you are looking for. All of our properties are called out to our applicants even before they become published online.

Fancy yourself a writer? We are doubling our magazine distribution from 5,000 houses to 10,000 houses in the new year and are looking for budding writers to provide content. Do you have a passion for saving money or for being thrifty and upcycling? Do you run a business and you want to share information with the local community? Get in touch and help us create the best content!

What’s more, we want to ensure we continue to give back to the local community we love so much. So we are excited to be launching the following initiatives.

Our mentoring scheme for local start-up business including £15,000 worth of funding, office space and one to one mentoring.

A fight against Homelessness. In 2020, working with our landlords, investment buyers and other local charities we are striving to prevent homelessness. We want to create better communication channels with local government in order to make it easier for people on benefits to be able to let property, we are working with providers to find alternatives to 5 week deposits to enable more people to afford to move and perhaps most importantly we are going to be putting more man hours in to helping the local communities and charities by volunteering at local events, foodbank and more.

Everyone at Orchards wishes you a great 2020 and we thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Should you have any questions, want to help on our new initiatives, or are just thinking of selling or letting in the area call us on 01525 40 22 66.

Kind Regards

Adam Barker




£300,000 of Money off vouchers                        

£105 to British Legion                               

74 Easter Eggs

£60 of Smyths Vouchers                                         

52 Bottles of Cava                                

31 Bags of Pick n Mix

5 Lunches from Ampthill Nutrition Kitchen       

5 Chocolate Hampers                 

4 Tickets to Woburn Safari Park

4 Tickets to Go Ape                                                

2 Tickets to Lego Land  

2 Tickets to Amp Rocks

Meal for Two at the White Hart                            

1 Zumba Class

Body Composition Scan

1 Cut & Blow Dry                                                

1 Set of Gel Nails                      

Russel Lower PTA Ball Sponsorship

Winner of the Best Agent Guides Excellent award for Sales and Lettings (Top 10% of Agents in the country)